Remade for home

A home blog transforming into a food blog, featuring copycat resturant food, along with some other food that I love to cook.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Just a quick pic...

Mr. and Mrs. Persle

1 year together...Praise the Lord!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wow It has been a whole year

David and My anniversary will be tomorrow, a whole year has already went by.

During Knoxville campmeeting, I was concerned I wouldn't get a "vacation" because there were extra clothes to iron, and an extra person to take care of. I want to thank the older women who obey the scriptures and teach us younger women, how to love our husbands, that is a blessing.

Sis Katie Smith was ironing brother Randy's slacks and we were talking about what I really don't remember, but it must have been about ironing for men. And she made a statement about she would really miss the pants if she didn't have them to iron. And that got me to thinking.

How many of us while we were single wanted a husband to take care of and iron their clothes and just be with someone who would love us and care for us and provide for us, and we could raise children with? I was one of those and the devil just wanted me to start seeing them as evil pants that I have to iron and if i wasn't married I would just have to take care of ironing my clothes and worry about me. Devil I rebuke you. I am thankful for the pants that God has given me to iron, because they are worn by the man that I love MORE than myself, they were purchased with money that God blessed us to have in order to get them, they were under an iron at CAMPMEETING that God blessed us to be able to go to. Again they are an answer to my long prayed pray for a companion, that God blessed me with almost a year Ago.

I LOVE THE PANTS! Thank you Lord for your many blessing!